Why Your Next Job May be Self-Employment

Choosing self-employment part-time or full-timeMore Americans than ever are becoming “free agents” and choosing self employment part time or full time, according to a recent report by Kelly Services (with a hat tip to ere.net).

Over the last three years, the number of self-employed Americans has skyrocketed from 26% to 44%.

So why the big move to leave the 9 to 5 for the life of a freelancer, consultant, entrepreneur or contractor? [Read more…]

Use Career Notify and Facebook to Find Your Next Job

Use Facebook to find job Career NotifyIf you’re in the market for a new job or career, you probably know that one of the most effective ways to find your next position is to tap into your social network.

Asking friends and acquaintances for referrals and recommendations is one of the best ways I’ve landed new positions over the years.

In fact, I’ve had a couple of jobs that weren’t even advertised to the public, thanks to my friends’ insider connections.

But what if the job you want is the job one of your friends currently has?  Career Notify can help! [Read more…]

How to Innovate Your Job or Industry

how to innovate your job or industryLast time, in 10 Industries where the jobs aren’t coming back, I suggested you may want to avoid working in the top 10 declining industries in the U.S., as they are expected to continue their downward slide and/or die over the next five years.

While it may be too late, in general, for these industries to ever come back and employ growing numbers of people, does that mean there’s no room for innovation or for one company or person to take advantage of another’s decline?

Too Late to Innovate?

Personally, I think there are great opportunities for innovation in certain niches within these declining sectors of our economy, or for some businesses to grow while capitalizing on the failure of others. [Read more…]

10 Industries Where the Jobs Aren’t Coming Back

As the U.S. enters its third “summer of recovery,” everyone’s still wondering where the jobs are.  While the economy does show signs of improvement in some sectors, it is still stagnant in others.

Let’s face it:  Some industries will never come back, even after the economy revives.

If you want to build your career in an industry that is poised for growth, here are ten industries you may want to avoid according to Toon Van Beeck, Senior Analyst at IBISWorld.

10 Dying Industries

These ten industries are in the decline phase of their life cycle, are experiencing sizeable contraction in revenue, and are expected to see further deterioration over the next five years: [Read more…]

8 Tips for Getting a Job in a Bad Economy

8 tips to find a job in a bad economyFinding the right job or career is a challenge anytime.  But for many, it’s never been harder to find a job than right now, in today’s bad economy.

We’ve all heard stories, or know of people, who have been looking for a job for a year or more.

And for recent college graduates and teens looking for summer work, the big problem is that job opportunities for teens and young adults are still lacking.

So if you’re looking for work, or looking to change jobs (by the way, career planning does still work in a down economy), Careerealism shared 8 golden rules to help you get a job in a bad economy. Here they are, along with my take on them: [Read more…]

Meaningful Work…God’s Gift to You

If you’re new to Life Compass, on Sundays I write on spirituality & faith. I do it because we’re all spiritual beings and have a moral compass in our lives.  You can learn more by clicking here. Today I’m reposting an article I wrote a year ago, called Is Your Job a Gift From God?, which I thought was especially applicable here at Christmas.

A few years ago, I heard Marcus Buckingham, one of Gallup’s lead researchers and author of Now Discover Your Strengths, speak at a conference.  He said something that absolutely floored me:

80% of Americans feel unhappy and unfulfilled in their work.

That number, he said, was up from 70% a few years before!  My mouth dropped open when I heard the news!  I had no idea.

Could it really be true that eight out of ten men and women, maybe even you, work at a meaningless job that doesn’t match their purpose and calling in life?  Sadly, it was true.

And then a thought came to mind – actually, it was a verse of scripture – that really gave me something to think about!

That each person finds pleasure in his work…this is a gift from God. – Ecclesiastes 3:13

These were the words of Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived.  I sat and thought about the verse for a few minutes, and then I asked myself,

How is it that God intends for each person to find pleasure and meaning in his or her work…and yet only 20% of Americans actually do.  Is God really playing a cruel trick on the other 80% who don’t find pleasure in their work?  Or are they missing something somewhere?”

Later, I had an “A-ha” moment and wondered if the key to the whole thing was the word “gift.”

What if God does give each of us meaningful and pleasurable work as a gift…but few people ever take the time to look for the gift or to receive it?”

After all, someone may give me a gift by placing it under the Christmas tree.  But that gift isn’t really mine until I look under the tree, find the gift, pick it up, shake it, open it, and eventually use it.

That’s just the way it is, I believe, with our work, if we see it as a gift from God.  I believe God gives each of us a calling in life and work we’re meant to do.  But He doesn’t often make it so plain for us to see, does He?  We don’t typically hear a declaration from heaven saying, “John Smith, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to…”  Life sure would be simpler if He did!

Instead, He wraps up our calling like a gift and places it inside of us.  Then it is up to us to unwrap the gift and discover it for ourselves.

How do we do that?  You can learn how by reading the post Ten Pillars of Lifestyle Design – #3 “Clarify Your Life Purpose”.

So, let me ask you, friend…Does your job feel like a gift – or is it more like a curse?  Do you find satisfaction and fulfillment in your life and work?  Are you at peace with who you are and what you do for a living?

If not – Do something about it!  Don’t waste another minute working a job that isn’t fulfilling.  Life is too short!  Keep reading, because our goal at Life Compass is to help you achieve your dreams and create more freedom, purpose and fulfillment in your life and work!

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