Why Your Next Job May be Self-Employment

Choosing self-employment part-time or full-timeMore Americans than ever are becoming “free agents” and choosing self employment part time or full time, according to a recent report by Kelly Services (with a hat tip to ere.net).

Over the last three years, the number of self-employed Americans has skyrocketed from 26% to 44%.

So why the big move to leave the 9 to 5 for the life of a freelancer, consultant, entrepreneur or contractor? [Read more…]

Work-Life Balance Lessons from Two Entrepreneurs

Work-Life Balance Challenges for EntrepreneursI just watched a video (click above to view it) from MSNBC on two entrepreneurs who were driven to make drastic changes and cuts in their businesses.

Was it the bad economy that led them to cut back?  Or uncertainty about the looming debt crisis in America?

No.  It was the desire to gain more sanity and balance in their personal and professional lives.

In the five-minute video segment, Mary Leonard, owner of Chocolat Celeste, and Dan Wedge, owner of Dove and Hudson Old Books, each came to the point where they needed to reinvent themselves and their businesses.

They realized that they could continue to build and grow their business in the way they had been doing it, but it would come at a great personal cost of them investing more time in their business.  

So they made radical change instead. [Read more…]

Peer-to-Peer Loans Can Help You Finance Your Business Start-up

Peer to Peer LendingIf you’ve ever wanted to start your own business, either full or part time, you know that one of the biggest obstacles to starting a small business is raising start-up capital.

Last week, in an article entitled, Peer-to-Peer Loans Grow, the Wall Street Journal shared how a growing number of small business owners are getting loans through the use of peer-to-peer lending sites such as Prosper and Lending Club.

According to the WSJ, these sites “work like eBay-style marketplaces, matching prequalified borrowers to lenders.”

Together, Prosper and Lending Club have generated more than $500 million in loans over the last five years. [Read more…]

How to Know if Entrepreneurship is Right for You

Is entrepreneurship right for you?Should I become an entrepreneur and start my own business?  That’s a question more people are asking today, for a few reasons:

  1. They believe long-term job security is a thing of the past in many career fields, and they see the value of starting a side hustle or part-time business that could grow to full-time if needed.
  2. More than ever, people want to do the work they love, and pursue a life of passion and purpose.  For some, that means starting a business instead of working for someone else.

Is Entrepreneurship Right for You?

How do you decide whether or not entrepreneurship is right for you? [Read more…]

Weighing Financial Risk vs. Security in Making Decisions

Have you ever wanted to do something, but then decided it was too risky?  Like make a big change in an area of your life, or pursue a dream you’ve always had?

From time to time, people will tell me “I’ve always wanted to start my own business, but could never do it now with the economy being so bad,” or “I hate my job and really want to find the work I was meant to do, but can’t do it now with all the lay-offs that are happening.”

It is natural and important for us to consider the potential risk or cost of any decision we make, especially the major ones that impact our income, wouldn’t you agree?

But we need to look at the situation accurately, and have the proper perspective, in order to weigh these decisions correctly. And I’ve found that many times, we do not.

Sometimes, the option that we think is the best may actually be the worst. [Read more…]

7 Tips on How to Start a Small Business

In my last post, How to Start a Business with Little or No Money, I told you about an inspiring book by Cameron Johnson called You Call The Shots.

I devoured the book in just one sitting and was inspired by the simple business and life wisdom that can only be shared by someone who became a millionaire by the time he graduated from high school and who, by age 21 (when he wrote the book in 2007), had already started 12 successful businesses.

In You Call the Shots, Johnson shares how to “Succeed your way – and live the life you want – with the 19 essential secrets of entrepreneurship.”

Here are 7 Simple Tips on How to Start a Small Business that I gleaned from You Call the Shots:

  1. Put yourself out there – If you’ve dreamed of starting your own business, you have to believe in yourself (and in the product or service you’re selling), put yourself out there, and boldly take that first step. With the advent of the Internet, it’s never been easier to start your own business, either full or part-time.
  2. Start small – Many dream of starting a business but don’t do it because they think they have to start big or spend a lot of money.  The good news is that you really don’t have to!  Start small and do what you know and are passionate about, with the tools you have readily available or can easily/cheaply get.  Johnson suggests,“Think of the ideas that will require the least cash investment up front and the least in advertising money, especially for your first venture.” [Read more…]