Why Your Next Job May be Self-Employment

Choosing self-employment part-time or full-timeMore Americans than ever are becoming “free agents” and choosing self employment part time or full time, according to a recent report by Kelly Services (with a hat tip to ere.net).

Over the last three years, the number of self-employed Americans has skyrocketed from 26% to 44%.

So why the big move to leave the 9 to 5 for the life of a freelancer, consultant, entrepreneur or contractor?

  1. The desire for more freedom – More and more people are waking up to the fact that they can live life on their terms and organize their work around the life they want, instead of organizing their life around their job. Another word for this is lifestyle design.
  2. The economy – They were laid off or can’t find another job. Since the average job search takes over a year now, many are deciding to invest that time working on their own business instead of spending it on a protracted search for another J-O-B.
  3. Income diversification – They recognize the wisdom of having multiple streams of income and not being dependent on just one source of income (an employer) for their livelihood.

While I have a job I enjoy and find fulfilling, I am developing multiple streams of income through ways that fulfill my life’s purpose and my goals and dreams for the future.

And I’m working to equip my children with the life skills that will help them become successful entrepreneurs and free agents. Because, as I wrote in Best jobs for teens and young adults, there are no jobs out there for teens anymore, either.

What about you? Have you considered self-employment part-time or full-time? Have you taken any steps toward it? If not, what’s holding you back?  Please share your thoughts in the comments below.

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  1. I partially work from home and I’m loving it rather than working from an office.
    You do not need to leave the house to get to work. You don’t have to rush through city traffic to get to your work. After work you are already home and so you can continue your daily routine instead of rushing back from work. So the time and gas you are saving is unbeatable.
    Would not want to trade it in the world.


  1. […] more here: Why Your Next Job May be Self-Employment Posted in Self Tags: a-hat-tip, a-recent-report, and-choosing, are-becoming, free-agents, […]

  2. […] more: Why Your Next Job May be Self-Employment ← Job Interviews – five instant tips to get more of them! | Resumebear … […]

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