Are You Sitting on a Million Dollar Idea?

What's your million dollar idea?I believe everyone has a million-dollar idea inside of them that could change the world and earn them a significant income.

Have you found your idea yet?

Thomas Edison said “Ideas are waiting to be discovered.”

And speaking of idea discovery, Albert Szent-Gyorgi explains that “Discovery lies in seeing what everyone sees, but thinking what no one else has thought.”

Don’t think you have to have an original idea, or that you can’t do something because someone else has already thought of it or is doing it.

No one else has your thoughts about the subject, or your unique experiences that can be brought to bear on the idea.

And chances are good that no one else is taking action on the idea anyway, or at least in the way you’d do it yourself.

Few people take real and sustained action on their ideas, to see them through from start to profit, causing one observer to say: “The capacity to do something with an idea is what distinguishes a leader from others.”

Everyone’s got an idea. Few make it personal. Fewer make it happen.

What will you do with your idea? What’s one step you can take this week to make it a reality?

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Best of Money Carnival: Work-Life Balance Edition

Top money blog postsThis week, I have the privilege of hosting Best of Money Carnival #113 at Life Compass Blog.

If this is your first time here, I welcome you and invite you to take some time to look around.  I write about how to create more focus, balance, freedom and fulfillment in your life and work.

Money is definitely an important topic here, because how we make it, save it, and spend it will all have an impact on our sense of life balance, freedom and fulfillment – in positive or negative ways.

Best of Money Carnival: Work-Life Balance Edition

More than 50 bloggers from around the world submitted their best money or personal finance blog post for consideration in this week’s Best of Money Carnival. I’ve narrowed them down to the top 10 money posts that relate to work-life balance: [Read more…]

Free Copy of Dani Johnson’s “First Steps to Wealth” Book

Dani Johnson First Steps to Wealth bookDani Johnson, star of the ABC show “Secret Millionaire,”  is giving away free copies of her new book, First Steps to Wealth, for a limited time (you just have to pay for shipping).

I watched bits of the show a few times last year, but didn’t really learn about her story until I saw her on a TV interview yesterday, talking about her new book.

Dani Johnson grew up on welfare, was pregnant at 17, homeless at 21, and a millionaire at 23.

From all that she’s been through, she definitely has something to say about how to overcome adversity, get out of debt, change your life, and build wealth!

In the book, she talks about topics like how to… [Read more…]

Weeding Out Your Life to Get More Balance

Finding work-life balance by pulling weeds from your lifeI just read a post over at Productivity Hacks on how to weed out your business to be more productive. The author explained that in tough economic times, people and businesses often ask themselves, “What can we do without?”

Of course, there are some core things, like customers and products, that no businesses can do without. But other things seep in or creep in over time.  They may have once seemed to be important or vital, but really aren’t so now, once we start to ask the question.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve observed that it’s more often in the tough times when we ask, “What can we do without?” I think it’s because we have to, or are forced to, due to certain conditions we face.

But it’s not just about finances and money. [Read more…]

Peer-to-Peer Loans Can Help You Finance Your Business Start-up

Peer to Peer LendingIf you’ve ever wanted to start your own business, either full or part time, you know that one of the biggest obstacles to starting a small business is raising start-up capital.

Last week, in an article entitled, Peer-to-Peer Loans Grow, the Wall Street Journal shared how a growing number of small business owners are getting loans through the use of peer-to-peer lending sites such as Prosper and Lending Club.

According to the WSJ, these sites “work like eBay-style marketplaces, matching prequalified borrowers to lenders.”

Together, Prosper and Lending Club have generated more than $500 million in loans over the last five years. [Read more…]

Trusting God With Your Money

If you’re new to Life Compass, on Sundays I write on Spirituality and Faith. Here’s why. Currently on Sundays, I’m writing on the Bible and money as I share my observations from the book of Proverbs.

First, in Proverbs chapter 3, we find several instances where Solomon talks about the use of money.

In Proverbs 3:2, Solomon says that if we live out his teaching and commands (remember, he is known as the wisest man who ever lived), we will enjoy long life and prosperity.  I take this to mean that, by following the wise principles he shares, we’ll stay out of trouble – financial and otherwise.

In Proverbs 3:5, Solomon doesn’t specifically mention money, but he calls us to trust the Lord in everything (which would certainly include our money), ask for His guidance and direction, and not depend on our own wisdom or understanding.  Solomon says that if we acknowledge God in everything we do, He will help us stay on the right path. [Read more…]