The Weekly Review: One of the Most Important Times of My Week

I hope you’re having a great Friday so far.  Mine has been a day of catch-up, after doing my weekly review. If you’re new to LifeCompassBlog, you probably have no idea what I’m talking about.  So let me clue you in.

The weekly review is a time I set aside each week to review my:

  • Calendar
  • Tasks
  • Goals
  • Commitments
  • Project

My purpose is to ensure that I’ve accomplished what I said I wanted to do this week. And if I haven’t, I take the time right then and there to get as much of those things done as I can.

The bad news is that, with all the travel I did during the holidays, I’m a bit behind on a few things, and it’ll take me more than just a few hours today to catch up.  So, I’ve got to plan more catch-up time into my schedule for next week.

The weekly review is a technique I learned from a mentor who said, “what is expected must be inspected.”  So, Friday is my day to inspect my life to make sure I’m on track.

What do you suppose would happen if I didn’t take the time for a weekly review?  For me, I’d forget about stuff, and not think about it later until it became an emergency and I had to do something about it right now.  I don’t want to live in “emergency mode” any more.  Do you?

I happen to choose Friday for my weekly review, since it’s the end of the work week for me.  But you can choose any day you want.

Give the weekly review a try, and let me know how it goes!

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The Weekly Review:  What is Expected Must be Inspected
Behind on work?  You Need a Catch-up Day!

The Weekly Review: What is Expected Must be Inspected

It is incredibly easy for me to get off track.  I can begin a task, project, or effort with the best of intentions…but if I don’t make a plan, and set aside time to review my progress, I fail.

My wife and I have realized this in our marriage.  Yes, we have times throughout the week when we talk and dream and discuss stuff.  But if we don’t set aside a specific time to review specific things like our finances, our kids, our relationship…then we get off track, or fall into a rut.

I know this is true in my work.  I can set goals and objectives, but if I don’t plan a time to track my progress and see if I’m doing what I said I was going to do, I get distracted by other things.  They’re good things, maybe even needed things.  But they’re just not the things I MUST do to make the progress I said I wanted to make.

Actually, when I think about it, this is true for every area of my life:  financial, career, family, spiritual, social, etc.

A wise person once said, “What is expected must be inspected.”  The point here is that we need to set aside a regular time to inspect or check the progress of our goals or projects.

If you want to make change in any area of life, if you want to live on purpose and achieve your dreams, then I recommend you make time for a weekly review.

Set aside at least an hour every week to review and track your progress in your life areas.  Maybe you choose a time at the beginning of the week or maybe toward the end.

For me, I do it on Friday mornings.  I like it because it is at the end of the work week…so I can review what I’ve done Monday through Thursday.  But it also gives me time later in the day to catch up or make progress on some things that I haven’t done earlier in the week.

Today is Friday.  If you’re not in the habit of doing a weekly review, why not give it a try today?  Let me know how it goes.

Pillar #10 – Review and Track Your Progress

Welcome back to Life Compass, where I’m sharing my Ten Pillars of Lifestyle Design.  Congratulations on making it to the end!  Here’s what we’ve covered so far in the first nine Pillars:

In this post, we’ll cover the final Pillar, Pillar #10 – Review and Track Your Progress.

A wise person once said, “What is expected must be inspected.”  The point here is that we need to set aside a regular time to inspect or check the progress of our targets or goals.

This is another area where many people fall short in achieving success.  They set out with the best of intentions when they make their goal, but if they don’t visualize their success on a regular basis (Pillar #9) and set aside a time to review and track their progress, they lose sight of the goal and it gets forgotten.

I recommend you set aside at least an hour every week to review and track your progress.  Maybe you choose a time at the beginning of the week or maybe toward the end.

Go over your Master Dream List and add any new ones that come to mind.  Then review your life purpose, values, and Plan of Action.  Are you on track with the goals and deadlines you set?  Have you set aside enough time in your week to accomplish the goals that have the highest priority?  Do you need to adjust your deadlines, or set aside extra time in order to complete them?  Have you achieved any goals that you can celebrate this week?

If you stick with it, the weekly review will become one of your best allies in achieving your dream life, because you’ll have a set time to review your progress, make adjustments, and celebrate successes!

That’s Pillar #10 – Review and Track Your Progress.  I hope these 10 Pillars of Lifestyle Design have been a help to you in designing the life of your dreams.  Now the achievement of those dreams is up to you!

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me!