Change: How You Respond Can Mean the Difference Between Success & Failure

respond to changeThis morning, my boys and I discovered that how you adapt to change can mean the difference between success and failure in your life and business.

We were enjoying a breakfast at Tim Horton’s during our weekly Man to Man Time (where I mentor them in life skills and entrepreneurship) and each of us were reading a section of the USA Today as we always do, to find a story that we can share with the others, that somehow applies to life skills, success, entrepreneurship, money, or spiritual values.

I got the “Life” (entertainment) section this time, which doesn’t always have a story that applies to what we want to talk about – at least, not always at first glance.

Today’s “Life” section headline was on the movie Gangster Squad which was finally being released after a four-month delay due to the The Dark Knight Rises movie theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado in July, which left 12 dead and 57 injured.

Gangster Squad is about mobsters and gangsters from the 1940’s, and one scene portrays a shootout that happened in the famous Grauman’s Chinese Theatre. That shootout scene happened to be featured in the previews for Gangster Squad, which I saw when I took my boys to watch The Dark Knight Rises at midnight on it’s opening day, the same day of the shooting.

At first, I didn’t see any life application in this story, but then it dawned on me that Aurora, Colorado theater shooting dealt the Gangster Squad makers a huge change in circumstances that would doom the movie if the producers had stuck to their original plan of an early September release, and if they kept that theater shootout scene in the film and in the previews. [Read more…]

The Greatest Motivation for Life Change

I think pain is the greatest motivator for life change.  

It’s stupid.  But true.

People have a hard time making change in their life because they want to.

So we wait until we have to. Sometimes, that’s too late.

Like not taking care of our health until the heart attack. Not nurturing our relationship with our spouse until they say they want to leave. Or not saving for a “rainy day” until we lose our job or the car breaks down.

I’ve fallen prey to the pain motivation more times than I care to admit.

I’d rather look at the areas of life where I could experience pain (either for myself or others) and then identify some simple steps I could take to make change in order to avoid that pain.

What if, instead of pain being the greatest motivator for life change, avoidance of pain was the greatest motivation instead?  Does it, or would it, make a difference in your life?

Don’t Miss:

7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Number 1: Be Proactive

7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Habit 1:  Be ProactiveLast time, I shared a tribute to Stephen Covey, author of the worldwide bestselling book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.  Covey’s recent death prompted me to re-read and re-apply each of the 7 Habits in my life.

Today I’ll share my thoughts on Stephen Covey’s Habit 1:  Be Proactive. This Habit illustrates one of life’s greatest truths and hardest lessons:  Everything is a choice.

I believe that being proactive is the first and most important habit of highly successful people because true success begins with the realization that we have the power to choose the life we want to live.

We can live life on purpose instead of being a victim of circumstance.  We can make life happen for us instead of letting it happen to us. [Read more…]

What Life Changes Do You Need to Make to Survive and Thrive?

life changesThis morning, over breakfast with my three boys, I was reminded about the life changes that are needed in order for us to not just survive, but thrive, in a rapidly changing world.

Most Tuesday mornings, I take my sons ages 11, 13 and 15 out to the health club for some physical activity (we usually play basketball), then we go out for breakfast. [Read more…]

Personal Growth Tips from Dr. Suess

Personal growth life lessons from Dr. SuessMarch 2 was Dr. Suess Day – a day to commemorate Dr. Suess’s birthday. A lot of my friends were sharing their favorite Dr. Suess quotes on Facebook.

By the way, if you’re on Facebook, please do me a favor and “like” our Life Compass Blog Facebook page – thanks!

As I read their favorite quotes, I was reminded of how much Dr. Suess wrote about personal growth and life change. [Read more…]

Global Leadership Summit: My Personal Leadership Development Recharge

Global Leadership Summit personal leadership developmentNothing recharges my personal leadership “batteries” like the Global Leadership Summit, founded by Bill Hybels, lead pastor of Willow Creek Community Church in Chicagoland.

I’ve attended the Global Leadership Summit for 13 years at one of the first live videocast locations – Kentwood Community Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where I served on the pastoral staff for 10 years.

2011 Global Leadership Summit Speakers

The 2011 Global Leadership Summit happens this Thursday and Friday, August 11 and 12, and features some of the top leaders in the business, education, government, and compassion arenas who will share their real-life strategies for personal and organizational turnaround, including: [Read more…]