What Olympic Gold Medalist Jim Thorpe Taught Me About Achieving Success

Visualize Success in Your Mind's EyeThis week, as I watched American Ashton Eaton won gold in the Decathlon, and fellow American Trey Hardee take home the silver, I was reminded of a life lesson that Olympic athlete Jim Thorpe taught me about achieving success through visualization.

By the way, this year is the 100th anniversary of the introduction of the Decathlon in the Olympic Games and Jim Thorpe’s gold medal in that first Decathlon.

Jim Thorpe, a Native American, is known as one of the greatest athletes of all time.  He was an All-American, Olympic gold medalist in the Decathlon and Pentathlon, star NFL running back and Major League Baseball player.

On his way to the 1912 Olympics in Stockholm, Thorpe and his fellow American Olympians sailed aboard the ocean liner Finland.

One day on the ship, while all the athletes trained on a cork track laid on the ship’s deck, Thorpe sat nearby in silence.

A sportswriter named Francis Albertani saw him sitting there and asked “What are you doing, Jim? Thinking of your Uncle Sitting Bull?”

“No,” Thorpe said, “I’m practicing the broad jump. I’ve just jumped 23 feet eight inches. I think that I can win it.”

Thorpe did in fact go on to win the broad jump event in the Olympic Decathlon with his jump of 22 feet 7 inches!  He also won three more of the 10 Decathlon events en route to the gold medal, and four of five Pentathlon events to earn a second gold.

What was the secret to Jim Thorpe’s Olympic success?  It was the power of visualization. [Read more…]

Today You Do Greatness: A Parable on Success & Significance

Today You Do GreatnessThere is no shortage of books today on how to be successful in work and life.

Many of them focus on success in terms of our career and personal finances, which is understandable since most people tend to equate success – or greatness – in their career and finances with ultimate success in their life.

In Today You Do Greatness: A Parable on Success and Significance, authors Rex M. Rogers and Rick E. Amidon remind us that real success – and true greatness – goes well beyond career and money to impact every area of our lives.

In this Kindle e-book, the authors do a great job of describing what true greatness is, and why we aspire to do or achieve it. [Read more…]

The Secret to Success

Secret to successAre you still searching for that “one thing” that will guarantee your success?

Seems like just about everyone is searching for the “one thing.” I’ve been there myself, too. Thinking that if I just bought this one product, then my problems would be solved.  Or if I attended this one certain event or conference, then I’ll have what it takes to be a success. Or if I took this one step or action then all my dreams will fall into place.

But it doesn’t work. At least, it hasn’t worked yet for me. And why not? [Read more…]

The “Secret Sauce” for Successful Goal Achievement

Goal achievement successIs there a “secret sauce,” or special ingredient that increases your chance for success in achieving your goals and dreams?  I think so, and here’s why…

Everybody has dreams they would like to make reality.

Some translate those dreams into a vision – a vivid imagination of what could be.  Some translate that vision into written goals.  Some take those written goals and break them down into smaller actionable goals.  And some take action on those goals and make them a reality.

With each step, the number of people who actually take the step gets smaller and smaller.  Why?

Because everyone has a dream, but not everyone is willing to do what it takes to make that dream a reality.  We’re not all willing to fully prepare, actively do the work, and pay the price to make it happen.

There’s one last step – the “secret sauce”, if you will – that greatly increases our chance for success in achieving our goals – but an even smaller number of people do it:  The weekly review. [Read more…]

Feed Your Mind For Success

Today We Are Rich Tim SandersIf you want to live on purpose, you need to think on purpose too. So says best-selling author Tim Sanders in his newly-released book Today We Are Rich:  Harnessing the Power of Total Confidence.

In Today We Are Rich, Sanders shares seven lifestyle principles that turned his life around – twice:

  1. Feed your mind good stuff
  2. Move the conversation forward
  3. Exercise your gratitude muscle
  4. Give to be rich
  5. Prepare your self
  6. Balance your confidence
  7. Promise made, promise kept

I just finished reading the first chapter, “Feed your mind good stuff,” from Today We Are Rich, (you can read this free excerpt from the book too at www.twar.com), and I can already tell this book is going to be one of my favorites.  After all, Sanders is one of my favorite authors, having written great books like Love is the Killer App, Saving the World at Work, and The Likeability Factor. [Read more…]

Defining Success: Is it the Destination or the Journey?

Do you define success as the destination or the journeyWhen you think about what success looks like in your life, do you tend to define success as the reaching of your desired destination (in other words…achieving your predetermined goals)?  Or do you think about enjoying success in the journey too?

I’ve known of people – you probably have too – who worked hard all their lives, made a lot of money, and couldn’t wait for the day when they could retire and finally enjoy time off and all the fun, happiness and fulfillment they thought their money and time could provide.

But when they finally did reach that destination and achieve that goal, they were greatly disappointed.  Why?  Because the happiness and fulfillment they thought they’d find doesn’t always magically appear when a goal is achieved.  It is also accumulated, little by little, along the way.

Sadly, some people give themselves totally to a dream of happiness and fulfillment in the future and miss the opportunity to enjoy happiness and fulfillment right here, right now. [Read more…]