Working Mother – Top 10 Best Companies to Work For

In my last post, Working Mother – 100 Best Companies to Work For, I wrote about Working Mother magazine’s just-released 2010 list of the best companies in America, based on all the things they do to help working moms balance home and work.

Today, I’m featuring the Top 10 List from Working Mother’s Best Companies for 2010, along with an excerpt from Working Mother which describes why they received top ranking for work-life balance:

  • Bank of America – Mothers enrolled in its My Work program may log in from home or a satellite office, whichever is more convenient; as of 2009, more than 16,000 associates had signed up for the option, and 94% said it made them more productive. Under the Select Time program, employees who need more flexibility may temporarily switch to a part time schedule and ramp back up when work demands.
  • Deloitte – A new sabbatical program offered by this professional services organization grants employees four unpaid weeks off to do anything they like (climb Everest, hang with kids), or three to six partially paid months off to volunteer or pursue career-enhancing opportunities. Women make up 57% of those who go on sabbaticals; if they want longer breaks, they may take up to five years off. But there are plenty of reasons to stay put, including health insurance that’s available to anyone who works 20 hours per week, up to $10,000 in annual tuition aid for job-related courses and a parental leave policy that gives birth moms 14 fully paid weeks off, with eight paid weeks for primary adoptive caregivers. [Read more…]

Working Mother – 100 Best Companies to Work For

Working Mother just released it’s 2010 list of America’s 100 best companies for work-life balance.

For 25 years, Working Mother has ranked America’s companies for their family-friendliness and the benefits they provide for working mothers including schedule flexibility, telecommuting and temporary part-time work options, and programs to help women achieve greater work-life balance.

While this list acknowledges the best companies for working moms, all employees benefit from the way these companies approach their employee’s work life.

I was amazed to read that the 100 Best Companies application process included more than 600 questions on workforce representation, child care, flexibility programs, leave policies and more. It surveyed the usage, availability and tracking of programs, as well as the accountability of managers. [Read more…]

Job Opportunities for Teens & Young Adults Still Lacking

A few months ago, in a post entitled The Best Jobs for Teens & Young Adults, I shared my thought that the best job for teens and young adults today might be self-employment.

This was based on a US government study showing that we’re in the worse period of unemployment for teens and young adults that we’ve ever seen.

Sadly, the news seems to be going from bad to worse.  USA Today reported last week that only 47.6% of people ages 16 to 24 had jobs in August.  This is the lowest level since the government began keeping track in 1948!

Why are there so few job opportunities for young people today?  I think there are three basic reasons: [Read more…]

Want to Find Your Dream Job? Read “Caught Between a Dream and a Job”

Are you caught between a dream and a job? You are if you want to start a business, or find your dream job, but you just don’t know how to get there from where you are today.  So says Delatorro McNeal II, the author of the book Caught Between a Dream and a Job: How to Leave the 9-5 Behind and Step into the Life You’ve Always Wanted.

Like Cameron Johnson, author of You Call the Shots, I first heard about Delatorro McNeal from The YES Movie, where he was one of the successful young entrepreneurs featured in the film.

Who This Book is For

Caught Between a Dream and a Job is a great resource if you want to understand your life’s purpose or destiny, realize your full potential, and get paid to do the work you love.  And who doesn’t want to do that?  😉

In this interactive, conversational how-to, guide, you’ll learn step-by-step how to clarify your life’s purpose, identify your dream job, and make a plan to transition from where you are today to where you really want to be.  Inside, you’ll find… [Read more…]

10 Best Employers for Work-Life Balance in 2010

best employer for work-life balance

Is your company one of the 10 best employers for work-life balance?

Fortune recently released their list of the top 100 companies in America to work for.  Included in that list were the top 10 Best Employers for Work-Life Balance.  According to Fortune, “These are the companies where employees feel encouraged to balance their work and personal life.”

Best Employers for Work-Life Balance

Here’s the list of the 10 best companies for work-life balance, ranked from 1-10. The number in parenthesis to the right of each company’s name is their ranking as part of the 100 best companies to work for.
[Read more…]

Does Career Planning Still Work in a Down Economy?

Have you ever wondered if career planning or career building will work at a time when so many people are unemployed? I mean, shouldn’t you just be happy to have ANY job right now, even if you feel stuck or unfulfilled?

A Wall Street Journal Online article gives some great tips on how to take your career to the next level right now and why.  First, here’s the why:

Once the economy improves, some 60% of more than 900 U.S. workers surveyed between October and November 2009 said they plan to pursue new job opportunities, reports Right Management, a talent and career-management consulting firm in Philadelphia.

So if you want to make a move, you probably don’t want to wait until everybody else does.  By then, it might be too late. Unfortunately, many people feel stuck and don’t know what to do.

“You don’t have to be stuck,” says Dory Hollander, a workplace psychologist and founder of WiseWorkplaces, a career coaching and executive-development firm based in Arlington, Va. “You can be an active player in shaping your own future.”

Here are four ways to boost your resume, build your career, and gain an advantage over others who are waiting for the job market to heat up:

  1. Volunteer to gain new skills – Volunteering with a non-profit organization is a great way to gain skills in an area you’d like to learn about or grow in.  In fact, I’ve landed several jobs by volunteering first. As I always say, sometimes it “pays” to work for free.
  2. Build a wider network of contacts – Growing your network has never been easier with social media tools like Facebook, Twitter, etc.  Let others know that you’re looking to build your career.  Ask people “who do you know that could help me move into this field, position or company?”  I’m continually amazed at who I know, and who my friends know.  I’m one or two people away from some very influential and famous people.  And there’s nothing special about me.  I’ll bet the same is true for you.  It might not be who you know.  It might be who you know who knows someone else, who might be the key to your future!  And don’t forget to share your network with others who need help building their careers!
  3. Look for ways to move laterally within your company – Moving sideways can be a great way to move up.  Look for other open positions in your company that, while they might not be a promotion, can provide you with new challenges and opportunities for growth.  You’ll learn more, know more people, and be a stronger asset for the company.  Be sure to research the new position well, so that you know what you’re getting into!
  4. Enroll in workshops or classes on a subject pertinent to your goals – Once you’ve finished these courses, add them to your résumé.  This shows your current and future boss that you’re proactive in personal growth and achieving your goals.

Would you add anything else to this list?

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