Want to Get Ahead? Pretend You’re Going Away

Last Thursday, my family decided we should take advantage of the great weather by going camping for the Labor Day Weekend (in the U.S.). With that one last-minute decision, we all moved into “rush mode” in order to get ready to go.

First, I had to find and book a campsite, which was a challenge at the last minute on a popular holiday weekend. Next, my wife and kids figured out the food menu and decided what supplies and equipment we wanted to bring.

Once the campsite was booked, I scrambled to complete a few work-related projects that HAD to be done before we left.

Have you ever noticed how much work you can get done when you are given a new and unexpected deadline and you HAVE to get it done in a short time frame?

Why is it so?  I think one reason is that, when these situations arise, we give the task or project laser-like focus.  We drop most everything else and channel all our energy and resources to getting the job done. We immediately decide what things can be delegated to others, what can be postponed, and what needs our direct and immediate attention.

I think it was Brian Tracy, or maybe Zig Ziglar, who first turned me on to the idea of putting this power to work intentionally every once in a while (maybe monthly).

They said to pretend you’ve been given a week-long all-expense paid trip somewhere in the world…and the trip leaves in 48 hours.  Figure out all the things you need to have done before you can go…and get them done today.  In no time, you’ll have those tasks completed, and you’ll feel a huge sense of accomplishment for what you were able to get done.

Has anyone else given this a try?  Let me know how it went.

Or if you’re feeling stuck in a rut and not accomplishing what you’d hope to do on some of your goals or life areas, give this a try and let me know how it works for you.

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