How a “Think Week” Could Change Your Life

In my last post, I talked about Bill Gates’ “Think Week”, when two times a year, Bill would get away for a week to a cabin in the woods, and do nothing but read and think creatively and strategically about some of the biggest opportunities, challenges or problems facing Microsoft.

“Think Week” got me thinking about how powerful it is to get away from all distractions and focus on a certain problem, idea, or life area for a large block of time.

Of course, not everyone can take a whole week like Bill Gates – maybe all you can do is a weekend, a day, or even just half a day.  And you might not be able to go away to a cabin – maybe it’s a hotel, a park or beach, a campground, or even just the library. You might call it Think Week or Think Day, a retreat, or just a day away.

Whatever you call it, wherever you go, and how ever long you can do it, this dedicated time can bring you to new levels of focus, clarity, momentum and success in whatever area you choose to work on.

Imagine what could happen if you got away from it all and gave focused attention to your:

  • Marriage
  • Life’s purpose
  • Spiritual life
  • Finances
  • Career
  • Business
  • Personal goals
  • Dreams for the future
  • Goals for your kids
  • Health

What problems could you solve?  What goals could you set? What plans could you make?  What next steps could you take?

Here are some quick ideas to help you get started in planning your own version of “Think Week”:

  1. Decide on the topic or life area you want to focus on, and what goal or outcome you’d like to achieve as a result of this time away.
  2. Determine how long you can get away, and where you want to go.
  3. Set the date in your calendar and make the necessary arrangements.
  4. Identify resources that can help you learn and focus on the subject at hand. Maybe there’s a book or video you’ve wanted to read or watch.  Search online for blogs or podcasts on the subject.  Ask for recommendations from friends.
  5. Make your own notebook and/or start a file so you can keep track of articles, stories, thoughts or ideas that interest you.
  6. Make a list of the things you want to have with you – maybe your laptop, notebook, pens, favorite snacks, etc.

Have you ever done something like a “Think Week” before?  If so, please share your experience!  Can anyone else think of something you’d add to this list?

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  1. Great article Rich

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