Pillar #1 – Start Your Master Dream List

Today I begin sharing my Ten Pillars of Lifestyle Design. Pillar #1 is – Start Your Master Dream List.

All of us have had dreams, since we were kids, of a career we’d like to have, a car we want to drive, a house we’d like to live in, or trips we’d like to take.

We often keep lists of hopes, wishes and dreams in our heads, but few people ever write them down.  This makes it harder for us to make a plan to achieve our goals, track our progress, celebrate our success.

The Master Dream List is the place to list everything you have ever wanted to have, all the places you’d like to go, all the things you’d like to do, the possessions you’d like to own, the personality or character traits you wish to develop, the goals you desire to achieve.   Others have called it a “Bucket List” – a list of stuff to do before you kick the bucket!

Sample of Master Dream List

Sample of Master Dream List

It doesn’t have to be fancy.  Just grab a sheet of paper, or your computer, and make three columns:  Date, Dream Goal, and Life Area.

  1. Date – List today’s date, the date on which you are writing your dream.
  2. Dream Goal – Write down whatever it is that you want to be, do, have, and achieve.  You can also include a deadline date if you’d like.
  3. Life Area – There are seven basic Life Areas, or categories, in our lives:  Family, Career, Financial, Social, Physical, Personal Development, and Spiritual/Ethical.  Decide which Life Area this dream fits into.  Is it a dream for your career?  Family?  Personal betterment?  Spiritual growth?  Etc.

Don’t evaluate your dreams or think about them too much at this time….just make the list.  Have fun and dream big.  Write down absolutely everything that comes to your mind…so you get it out of your head and on paper or in your computer.

This isn’t just a one-time activity. You’ll want to add to your Master Dream List whenever any other wish, goal or dream comes to your mind.

I’ve had one for over 10 years and I continue to make additions and changes.  And sometimes I make deletions…I decide something is no longer important to me or worth achieving.  Other times I tweak them a little or make some changes.

Everything that is worth achieving and giving your life to begins with a dream.  Sadly, for many, they stop here, and don’t go on to take the steps necessary to see their dreams come true.

One key to success in making your dreams come true is to regularly review your list and make additions as necessary.  The more you review them, the more you can clarify which ones to work on now, and which ones would be nice to do someday down the road.

Tomorrow I’ll share Lifestyle Design Pillar #2 – Define Your Preferred Future.

Lifestyle Design Process Overview

Top10I want to share with you my Ten Pillars of Lifestyle Design, to help you achieve your dreams and create more freedom and fulfillment in your life and work.

Here’s a brief overview of the Ten Pillars:

We’ll take a closer look at each one of these Ten Pillars of Lifestyle Design over the next several days.

In the meantime, if you have any questions about Lifestyle Design, or any thoughts or comments from what you’ve read so far, please let me know!

Lifestyle Design is for Everyone!

I believe everyone…teens, young adults, college graduates, newlywed couples, families, empty-nesters, retirees…everyone can take steps today to live their dream life!

Here’s the thing…

You and I now live in a time of unprecedented opportunity – Not just in America, but all over the world – to live the lifestyle we want, to do the work we love, and to make a difference in causes we care about.

But looking at just America for a moment…70 years ago, the American dream was to find a good job and work it your whole life.  You could buy a home, raise your family, and retire with a nice pension.  You took care of the company for 45 years and then when you retired, they took care of you.

My friend, you and I both know that those days are long gone. You can’t rely on others to make life happen for you.  You’ve got to make it happen.

Today, you don’t have to be limited to the job you can walk to.  We can now work where we want and live where we want – or even live and work at home – thanks to the Internet, cell phones, cars and airplanes.

You don’t have to do the job you went to school for.  Now you can do the work you love! Today,you can easily learn new skills today through formal or informal education.

You don’t have to work in a job based on what you can do…you can work a job based on what you know.  Information, or knowledge, is king in today’s economy.

You don’t have to organize your life around your work.  Now you can organize our work around the lifestyle you want!

And with today’s tough economic climate, there has never been a better or more important time to make the decision to live the life you want and do the work you love.

There are no guarantees any more.  You’ve got to take charge of your life and career because no one else will do it for you!

If you’re not living your dreams you’re living someone elses.

Lifestyle Design Explained

I’m writing on the topic of Lifestyle Design because I’ve met way too many people in this world who live unfulfilled lives.  They’ve mostly let life happen to them instead of making life happen for them.

Henry David Thoreau said that most people “live lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.”

Maybe you’ve met them too, people who…

  • Have given up on the hopes and dreams they had as children
  • Just accept what comes their way as their lot in life, never realizing they can do something to change their situation
  • Are living on “defense” all the time, reacting to what comes their way, instead of going on offense and making things happen the way they want.
  • Have no idea what they’ve been put on earth for.
  • Feel trapped in a job they hate.  They believe they’ll never get paid to do a job they love.
  • Have a home and family life that isn’t quite what they had expected it to be.
  • Have it all but it doesn’t seem to be enough…there must be something missing.

You probably know people who fit this description.  You may even be one of them!

Part of the problem is that most people live life on autopilot.  They just accept whatever comes their way as their lot in life.  They don’t think there’s anything they can do…any steps they can take…to bring change into their lives.

I believe everyone has the ability to discover their passions, identify their calling or purpose in life, live their dreams, and do the work they love.

The process that gets you there is what I call Lifestyle Design.  Others have called it life planning, life design, work-life balance, living on purpose, or enlightened self-management.

We’ll get into the “how-to’s” of Lifestyle Design in future posts.