Today is Veteran’s Day in the U.S. and Remembrance Day (or Poppy Day) in the U.K., Canada and Australia. A day to honor veterans for their service, and to remember that freedom is not – and never will be – free.
Tonight, I’ll take my kids to the Veteran’s Day parade in our city. They’ll wear their Uncle Sam hats, wave their little flags, and hold a sign they made that says “Thank You Vets!”
Sadly, we’ll be among just a handful of people, as few others have attend these parades in recent years.
Why do so few people come out to show their gratitude anymore? I think it is because we have forgotten the high price that other people have paid so that we can be free to live the life we want.
Those who live in countries run by dictators don’t often get to pursue their dreams in life – many just scrape by from day to day. In some countries, the government has told people what job they are to do – whether they like it or not.
If you live in a country where you can do what you want and be who you want to be, then thank a Vet!
And if you’re struggling to live a life of meaning and purpose, you owe it to yourself – and to the Veterans who have secured your freedoms - to discover your life’s purpose today! Let me know if I can help.
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